Is it correct that you possess the desire to be handsomely rewarded for all of the hard work you put forth on the job? Is it correct that you believe you deserve a raise at your place of employment but are afraid to demand or ask for one because the economy is awful and you fear that your employer will turn you down or perhaps give you the axe? Have no fear! You will learn how to eliminate your timidity and employ good negotiation strategies that will increase your chances of being rewarded the raise you deserve.
There are at least three steps you should proactively take before acquiring the nerve to ask for a raise. The first step is to always be productive. To assist your corporation, you must produce an output that covers your salary plus additional revenue. High production is required from the employees for a business to make a profit.
The second step is to keep records and reports on your accomplishments and progress. It can help your cause to show your boss how you are helping to increase the company's bottom line. The third step is to conduct research on what people who work in your field are paid on average. Showing your boss you are paid less than the average wage can be a powerful negotiating tool.
Have you thought about seeking better benefits instead of seeking a raise? I have read that it is sometimes advantageous for an employee to seek an improved benefits package that will add up to more value than a raise.
Go about asking for a raise the right way. Do not be pushy or threaten to quit. Do not say you need a raise to buy a new car or cover your bills. Focus on what you bring to the table to state your case.
Use the possibility of working elsewhere to your advantage. Look for a job that is similar to yours and pays a little more. Once you receive a good offer, inform your boss about this.
Attempt to talk with your boss about a raise when he is in a good mood. If the administrative assistant or receptionist says he is in a bad mood, come back later.
Talk with your boss about a raise when she is not too busy. If she is too busy now, try to schedule an appointment to see her at a good time. If she asks why you want to talk with her later, tell her you have important issues to discuss. Try to avoid letting her know you want to discuss a raise.
We will cover scenarios you can use to practice so you can increase your chances of successfully negotiating a raise.
Scenario One
Boss: "I give you a raise of three percent each year and I cannot afford to give you more."
Employee: "I produce an output that directly increases your bottom line by twenty percent. You can easily give me a raise of at least five percent."
Scenario Two
Boss: "You are at the highest level of the pay scale, so I cannot afford to give you more."
Employee: "If you do not want to pay me a higher salary, please give me a better benefits package that will increase the value I get for my great service without making more money directly. If I do not get a better wage or benefits package, I will have to work for one of two companies that have offered to hire me for more money than I get here."
Do what you have learned to overcome your timidity and successfully negotiate a raise!
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