Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pay Negotiation Get What You Deserve By:Shreya Raja

For most people, salary negotiations are difficult. However, if you do your homework, approach the matter in a professional manner, present your case as a request and not as a demand, you may well be surprised to hear the end results.

The first stage, therefore, in any salary negotiation is to know your true value. You have to take into account your skills, experience, your education level and what you bring to the table. After you determine your worth, research how much others are making for the same job. Again your experience, education and skills must be comparable.

You may discover someone making more money than you but before you start having a fit, look at his or her experience in terms of years. This where the research you have done will pay off. But remember, presentation is everything. The better prepared you are with the facts and figures, the more attention you will get.

Be calm and rational and explain why you feel you need the rise or salary you are asking for. Many people don't get what they want because they don't have the facts to back up their arguments when negotiating for salaries.

So do not let the same thing happen to you. Never let personal matters such as the fact that you have three children, or that your wife is not working become the basis for a salary hike. As mentioned before, keep things completely professional and the more professional you are the better your chances of getting what you deserve.

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