Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Contracts and the Roles They Play in Business By:Taina Uy

When doing business you always have to do your best to try and protect your business from those who wish to take advantage of you. The moment you neglect to protect your business you might find yourself in a world of trouble costing your company a lot of money or worse, you might end up losing your business. You wouldn't want such a thing to happen to your business. So how do you protect yourself and your business? The best way to do that is through proper documentation and contracts.

What is a contract? In basic terms a Contract or Memorandum of Agreement is a document executed by two or more parties that clearly defines and states the details and terms of the agreement agreed upon by all concerned parties. Once the parties involved have agreed to the contents of the contract and once all parties have affixed their signatures in the presence of a witness and a reputable lawyer to properly document the execution of the contract, the contract and all its conditions shall take full effect on both parties for as long as what is stated in the contract or until such time both parties agree to execute another contract to supersede the existing agreement. Once it is signed, the contract shall become binding and legal.

Contracts play an important role in business. Contracts come in different forms and guises; it can be an employment contract, a partnership agreement, a contract for the construction of a building, an agreement for the delivery of a service, or a merger. A contract is designed and entered into to protect the parties who have decided to enter into an agreement for the purpose of business. By having a legal and binding contract all parties involved are assured that everyone will adhere to the terms and conditions stated in the contract; should any of the involved parties fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement; then, that party is in breach of the contract and the other concerned party have the right to pursue the matter through legal means. By having a contract properly executed, both parties will be able to protect themselves from any problems or misunderstandings since all the terms and conditions of the agreement and the involvement of all parties are clearly outlined and stated. A contract assures all parties that each one will deliver on their promises as stated in the contract.

It is only natural for a businessman to want to protect his business; and having transactions and agreements properly documented through contracts is one of the best ways you can protect yours. It is also important that you find a reliable and reputable lawyer to help you with such matters. Knowledge of government laws pertaining to the nature of your business wouldn't hurt either and can even be an advantage for you. The more you know and understand about the nature of contracts and its relation to business, the better off you are. So the next time you decide to enter into an agreement with anybody for the purpose of business, make sure you have it in black and white.

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